Motorola SB5100 Docsis2.0 Cable Modem

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The Motorola SURFboard 5100 / 5101 is a DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0 Certified cable modem capable of providing up to 38Mbpsdownstream, and 30 Mbps upstream data rate.
The modem features both USB and Ethernet connectivity, as well as web based diagnistics for quick troubleshooting.
The SURFboard 5100 incorporates DOCSIS 2.0 Advanced Time Division Multiple Access (A-TDMA) and Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (S-CDMA) technologies to provide up to three times greater upstream capacity than DOCSIS 1.0/1.1 systems.
The SURFboard SB5100 also features a top-mounted stand-by button that quickly isolates the USB and Ethernet connection to the PC without disconnecting the cable modem from the RF network.

SB5100 data sheet.pdf (666 downloads )